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A blank canvas has unlimited possibilities

Art of Abstract

This was an interesting study I did with my teacher, back when I was just starting acrylic.


He wanted to teach me how you don't always have to use the exact colours, the realistic brush stroke.


That sometimes, you just have to be bold.


Splashing wildly mixed paint and brushstokes is just too fun. 

Art of Abstract
Yellow Poppies

Yellow Poppies

I think this is one of my very first attempts at a good acrylic painting. Actually (will you believe it) I won an art contest with this one. Yep! An entire mousepad.


I've always had an attraction to painting still life objects. I don't think it's because I had any interest in them, though. It's more due to how I sit down to draw something and my mind goes blank. So, I draw whatever's around me, which usually ends up being still life.


I don't think I could do something as nice as this one for a while. It's one of those things that happens naturally sometimes, and not so naturally the next.

Yellow Poppies

Colours of Nature

It had been a while since I'd done any art, and the thought suddenly struck one day, what would happen if I combined Ink, Acrylic, and WaterColour?


I decided I would try it out, and attempt to portray the vivid colours of nature. We often look at it, and don't see each individual shade of the spectrum. By using black ink as the outliner, then splashing key points with colour, I wanted to bring out and show how many tones you can actually find out in the wild.


It took 5 days to finish the black outline [Stupid idea doing detailed ink on A3 paper], and after 7 days, I was happy. 


Captured the Colours, of Nature.

That cloud is pink. The camera didn't fully capture it. *facepalm*


Colors of Nature

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