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Writer's pictureZabrina Q.

Friendship of a Lifetime: Part 1

I cannot say to what extent a true friend is. Some say that it's the people who always stick with you through "thick and thin." But I know people who know people who have considered someone their friend, but that friend has not always stuck by them. Some say that a true friend is someone who cares for you despite your flaws. Still others say that true friends always ask how you're doing. I can't claim to know the secret of a true friendship, but there are friendships that I see and say, "that friendship will last a lifetime." Such as the one between Karen and Jacob.


Karen was astounded, "You're not serious!"

"It's true!" Jacob showed her the newspaper, "Look!"

Karen looked. It read:

"A Spark In the Midwest Turns the Tides of War"

and below it in fine print:

written by Jacob Cassido

"Wow, Jacob! I'm so happy for you! You finally got your dream job!"

"I know, it's truly a blessing. Not many can say that they've reached something they've always wanted to achieve!"

Karen was still staring at the newspaper in her hands, "Jacob Cassido. Jacob Cassido," she read over and again. "Doesn't it look plain nice all in print and official looking?" She handed it back to her friend.

"It is, it really is." Jacob took the paper and looked down at it. The free smile that had been present during their conversation was wrinkling his forehead and dimpling his cheeks that made his face look both childish and mature. "It's satisfying to see something you've worked for in your life right here in your hands."

"Now you know how my mom feels about me -- her greatest accomplishment." Karen showed one of her famous smirks, "C'mon, what're you going to do to celebrate? Open a couple of bottles of grape juice? Go out to a fancy food chain?"

"Oh, I don't really know. Maybe write some more to keep the mind occupied." He tapped his forefinger against his temple.

"Oh, c'mon!" Karen punched him on the arm.

"Hey -- !"

"That's no way to celebrate something as big as this!"

"Well -- "

"Here, tell you what, why don't we go for a boat ride. I'll get the twins to join us and we can celebrate."

"Doesn't sound bad. What time should we meet at the docks?"

"Oh, say in an hour. 1300 hours."

"1300 exact, ma'am." Jacob saluted. That always got Karen cracking.

"Oh, go on with you." Karen pushed him. "I gotta go and take care of the boat. Later."

Karen snatched up her bike and pedaled down to Jared and Amy's house to tell them the news. The twins were outside in the yard playing croquet. It was Amy's turn to hit.

"Emergency!" Karen jumped off her bike and ran into their yard. "Jared! Amy! We have to give Jacob his birthday present early! Like, right now!"

"Wait, wait, wait," Jared slung his mallet over his shoulder, "You gotta tell us why first."

Amy's focus did not leave her ball.

Karen shouted, "Jacob got his name in the paper!"

Amy dropped her mallet suddenly, "What?! What'd he do? Will he have to go to jail? Is he a FUGITIVE?"

"Heavens, no! He wrote a story and -- "

"Must've been a bad story."

"Not helping, Jared. Guys, quit babbling for five seconds."

"Counting. 1."

With her gift of emitting words at twice the speed of a normal human, Karen explained the story, "Jacob published a story in the newspaper and now -- "

"2," counted Amy.

" -- we gotta give him his birthday present -- "

"3," together they counted.

" -- because it's the perfect gift-- "


" -- to celebrate this occasion!"

"5. Right on time."

"There's a problem." Amy furrowed her brow. "The gift isn't available until next week. How are we going to get Captain Stalmer to allow us on board the Clipper ahead of time?"

"Yeah," Jared said, "it's not exactly the most common ship to find in the modern world. There'll be a lot of other people in line before us."

"I know, I know," Karen threw her hands into the air, "But see here: Captain Stalmer happens to be good friends with Mr. Rochester, and Mr. Rochester happens to be good friends with me. I bet if I explained what I needed, he would help."

"So how does that involve us?"

"Well, the ship takes off in an hour. I told Jacob we'd have something ready by 1300."

"Karen!" Amy exclaimed distressedly, "You know very well that that may not be enough time!"

"That's why I have you guys to help in case things go wrong!"

"Which they usually do," Jacob grumbled under his breath.

"Kaarrren," Amy covered her face with her hands, "I was just having a peaceful day. Just."

"The longer we talk, the less time we have! C'mon, grab your bikes and let's go!"

Jared, Amy, and Karen parked their bikes against the side of the grocery store and stood before the entrance.

"I'll go in and talk," Karen said, "You guys stay out here."

"We're all going in," Jared answered. "We know your way with words."

"Actually," Amy said, "I'll stay out here to -- to guard the bikes, you know."

"Look, Amy," her brother turned to her, raising and lowering his hands as a lecturer would, "Mr. Rochester's a very nice guy. He's not gonna threaten you with the cops as long as you don't steal anything."

"Still, his mustache gives me the creeps." A visible shudder entered Amy's shoulders. "Remember our neighbor who had a mustache? How he was always inside doing who know what?"

"It's not the same -- "

"Hey. Guys," Karen clapped her hands impatiently, "Stay out here if you like, Amy. C'mon, Jared."

"Fine. I'm coming."

They put on their sunglasses as they walked in. For good reason too. The lights were blindingly bright on every wall in the small building. Any colors that might have be present were washed out and completely white from the brightness. The aisle's shelves even looked like three sterile lines of food. Jared and Karen walked in sync down the lengthy middle aisle to a counter with a register on the other side. Behind the counter was a large man with a mustache and eyeglasses reading a crossword puzzle. This man was Mr. Rochester: the Mustachio.

Karen crossed her arms, "Mr. Rochester, I have some business that concerns you."

"Hold on!" He held up a fat hand, "Recreant!"

"Excuse us?" Jared asked shockedly.

" 'A cowardly person who is unfaithful.' 6, down." Mr. Rochester put down his pencil, "Now, how may I help you?"

"Let's cut to the chase," Karen planted her hands on the counter and hunched forward. Her face became cold and weaselly. She spoke quiet and firm, "We want you to call Captain Stalmer and tell him to have his ship ready for 4 passengers by 1300 as a 'favor for an old friend.' " Then sting sharpened her tone, "Now, or else you can say good-bye to any happiness you have in your miserable world. Get my meaning, Mr. Roch?"

"Woah, okay." Jared yanked on her arm. "That was overly excessive."

Mr. Rochester chuckled, "Not at all, Jared. Karen's just having some humor-time. It's her favorite thing to do."

"You sure?" He stared with bewilderment at Karen. Her expression hadn't changed.

"Of course, of course. Now, if you excuse me, I have a phone call to make."

3 minutes later, Mr. Rochester walked back from his office, "News isn't good."

"What'd he say?"

"The board is all filled up. He can't just kick 4 passengers off. The only way to free it up is if 4 of the passengers had to cancel. Sorry, you'll have to wait until your original boat schedule."

Karen looked down and dropped her hand slightly, "Well, thanks for troubling yourself, Mr. Rochester. I sure appreciate it."

He nodded.

"Guess we better get going."

Amy was still guarding the bikes faithfully. "Well," she asked, "how'd it go?"

"Not too well," Jared answered. "We didn't get the tickets."

Karen had not looked up once since Mr. Rochester gave her his news. But at that moment she raised her head and took off her sunglasses. Defiance entered her countenance, "We've got to get those passes today. We've got to. C'mon, let's go talk to Captain Stalmer."

"But Mr. Rochester already did," Jared said.

"I have an idea." She jumped onto her bike and sped off.

"Here we go again," the twins said together.


Aykes! Karen's got some zing. I tremble to think of what she has in store for the next hour.

Next half will be posted on the 9th! That I can promise. It's already typed out, I just need to edit it.

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3 Komentar

 Natalia T. Eilatan
Natalia T. Eilatan
06 Agu 2019

You are very welcome!


Zabrina Q.
Zabrina Q.
06 Agu 2019



 Natalia T. Eilatan
Natalia T. Eilatan
06 Agu 2019

Awesomeness!!! Great story! 👍😉 Karen reminds me of someone, but I can't place who it is...

Keep it up!!


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